Audition Video Requirements
What should I record?
An introduction of your name, school, grade, instrument and why you want to be a PMAY Artist
Announce and play the scale(s) in the audition requirements; in quarter notes
Announce and play the 1st piece or etude
(If applicable) Announce and play the 2nd solo piece or etude
The video should preferably be one-take and unedited. You can try as many times as you want to and send in your best one.
How should I record?
Smart phone video in landscape orientation is acceptable
Use the rear facing camera
Use a tripod or rest the device on a stable platform. Avoid handheld videos
Ensure your whole self is visible and that you fully fill the frame.
Record in a well-lit and spacious quiet room
Dress for a performance
Look at the recording device when speaking
How should I upload my video?
Upload the video by clicking on this link.
Make sure the video is named after you e.g. “Steve Urkel PMAY Audition 2024”
Reload the page if the upload tool does not show.
You may have to try a different browser.
What if I have problems with the video?
Please contact Najib Wong