Audition Video Requirements

What should I record?

  • An introduction of your name, school, grade, instrument and why you want to be a PMAY Artist

  • Announce and play the scale(s) in the audition requirements; in quarter notes

  • Announce and play the 1st piece or etude

  • (If applicable) Announce and play the 2nd solo piece or etude

  • The video should preferably be one-take and unedited. You can try as many times as you want to and send in your best one.

How should I record?

  • Smart phone video in landscape orientation is acceptable

  • Use the rear facing camera

  • Use a tripod or rest the device on a stable platform. Avoid handheld videos

  • Ensure your whole self is visible and that you fully fill the frame.

  • Record in a well-lit and spacious quiet room

  • Dress for a performance

  • Look at the recording device when speaking

How should I upload my video?

  • Upload the video by clicking on this link.

    • Make sure the video is named after you e.g. “Steve Urkel PMAY Audition 2024”

    • Reload the page if the upload tool does not show.

    • You may have to try a different browser.

What if I have problems with the video?