
Important dates for 2024-25

(For more events, click here or please go to the Events page)

Sep 7, 4:00-8:00pm: Orientation (mandatory event)
• Settlement Music School, Mary Louise Curtis Branch, 416 Queen St, Philadelphia PA 19147

Sep 30: Biography Due on Student Portal

First week of Dec: Technical Jury begins (Signups a month in advance)
• Location TBD

Dec 10: Concert* and Masterclass* Reports due where applicable. Fall Advisements begin

Feb 22, 6pm: Spring Showcase (mandatory event)
• Settlement Music School, Mary Louis Curtis Branch

May: Performance Jury begins (Artists to sign up for recital slot in advance)

May 12: Concert* and Masterclass* report due where applicable. Spring Advisements begin

Jun 7, 6pm: Graduation Recital and Ceremony (mandatory event)
• Settlement Music School, Mary Louise Curtis Branch
• Planned In-person

Aug 31: All Summer Activity Report*